Public Transport Basics – an initiative to help you and whom you can help
Currently there are public transport leaflets from
Germany (1 city)
For larger cities in Germany, Europe and other parts of the world, our long-term aim is to provide the key information how to get there, and on arrival, information on public transport in a compact and well-organized format on two pages. Hints for trips in the nearby area will be given. Everything on two pages, in a printed version as a leaflet! Obviously, we can only give the basics. The important details can be found on the large number of websites that are mentioned. With the electronic version, you will need only one click to be connected to the website. This approach provides a fast and comprehensive preparation for your journey, and shows how public transport can be used sensibly and at the smallest possible cost. In many cities, you will be positively surprised by the quality, large number of facilities and low cost. English is the main language, but often information will be available in several languages.
This website represents a private initiative of people living in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, who have put together an example summarizing the possibilities in their city and the surrounding environment. The number of information leaflets from other cities can grow only if other volunteers send us similar summaries of public transport facilities in their city (see public transport – YOUR city).
We look forward to receiving summaries from many cities all over the world. English will be the main language. A summary in English will be available for all cities. For German cities you will also find a German version. Many visitors to the website would like a version in their own language. Have a look at Freiburg as an example. Public Transport Basics is available in more than 10 languages, always translated by a native speaker. No-cost translations were done by friends, colleagues and others who liked the idea of the Public Transport Basics (PTB) initiative. In Germany ÖPNV (öffentlicher Personen Nah-Verkehr) is a well known abbreviation for public transport. Therefore you will find it in documents in German.
This website is a private initiative without financial support and without any dependence on third parties.